Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BOO! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks. The kids had a neighborhood party which was a lot of fun and then of course we had Trick-or-Treating! I think we had somewhere between 300-500 kids. We went through so much candy! I ran out at 7:30 and had to turn out my light. Next year I will plan better. The Japanese Nationals get to come onto base to Trick-or-Treat, as long as they have a sponsor, so there were tons of cute little Japanese kids who had memorized the phrases "Happy Halloween," "Trick-Or-Treat," and "Thank You!" It was fun. The kids had a great time and made a haul themselves. I think this is the first year ever that the kids didn't have to wear parkas under their costumes! It was a beautiful night!


Montana Mom and Dad said...

Save some of that candy for us!!!! love from Gt. Falls!!!

Stacy B said...

Great costumes! We had a whopping 3 knockers on our door. We sure do miss you guys. Kyndra has a little girl in her class that just moved here from Okinawa! They are the new army recruiters here.

Ronda said...

Wow! I would be so overwhelmed by the sheer number of Trick or Treaters! I love our night with Kyndra and Avery! Maybe, there will be a year that the girls would all be together for the grand event!

Was there any candy left for Grandpa and Grandma?