Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of School - 2nd Year in Okinawa

Okinawa started school on August 25th this year and the Gabriels now have kids in two different schools. Brenna has the privilege of being the first class in the new middle school! So far she is loving every minute of it! Morgan and Sydney are at Kadena Elementary school, and they love it!!! It looks like everyone is going to have a great school year.


Montana Mom and Dad said...

Oh how we love those smiley faces!!! When people ask 'what day of the year do you like best' maybe the answer is 'first day of school'!! How exciting! thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
I had a chance to visit your blog and had fun reading about all your adventures in Japan and stateside this summer. This is such a great idea.
Hope your enjoying some free time now that all the girls are in school.
:) Katrina Parks

Stacy B said...

I can't believe how grown up everyone looks. Especially you, Brenna. Sounds like you are all settling into your routines. We painted toenails the other day and thought of you guys. We can't wait to get it done there!