Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Visit to Colorado Springs

Immediately after our company departed, our family boarded a plane destined for Colorado Springs!  Dan attended an Orthodontic Conference, and I couldn't let a Colorado trip pass me by!  We were hosted by the Clancy family, which was a great reunion from our Okinawa days!  It was super fun catching up with my friend Carrie and the kids had a great time shooting pool with "the boys" (Ryan, Kyle, and Connor).  We were able to do quite a bit of sightseeing, before the horrible fire broke out, which has pretty much decimated  an entire neighborhood in this beautiful city.  It was wonderful to be up in the high altitude country - beautiful state, beautiful city, and a wonderful host family!!  (Now, Amelia did NOT do very well on the plane flights this time around, but I'm not going to dwell on this point!)