Monday, December 31, 2012

Blog "Catch-up" Post . . . . 3 months worth

I'm not sure what happened with my posting, but I am definitely behind.  I'm not even sure anyone looks at it anymore, since we are back Stateside, but I will post anyway.  I'm going to have to dig back into my memory banks  - all the way to September to catch up.  I believe my last posting was of Brenna's cross-country season - she ended up really enjoying running and her 2 new coaches!  She is just returning from a short off-season run (WOW!) in preparation for the upcoming track season. Morgan had a busy fall with volleyball (in addition to cheer and gymnastics).  Despite another losing season - our girls grew by leaps and bounds throughout the season!  We expect great things next year!
The next crazy thing that happened in our household is that Brenna has started driver's training!  She has her learner's permit and is in the process of working on her skills behind the wheel.  Unfortunately, we aren't getting her driving often enough, and she seems to forget things in between times!!  YIKES!  Actually, she does a pretty good job and will most likely be getting her license sometime in the March time frame after she turns 16!  Can you believe that??
During the fall season - October time frame, Dan got to take two different trips:  one to Notre Dame with Brenna - super fun and exciting trip - especially because our Irish are doing so well this season - here's to the Champions!!  GO Notre Dame!!  They met up with cousins Hannah and Zach (Leslie and Sam too) for a wet, but fun weekend visit to this little oasis in Indiana.  (Keep your fingers crossed that we will have another Irish alumni in the family . . . . in the not so far off future).
The second fun trip Dan took was with our friend (and Amelia's Godfather) with Morgan and Sydney to Yosemite!  They had beautiful weather and the girls were champion hikers making it all the way to Yosemite point!!  What a great experience for them!  Yosemite is still one of our favorite places on this beautiful earth!  I can't wait to go there next year with my new camera (now that I have figured out how to use it)
 Halloween came in with a bang and Amelia discovered her love of CANDY!  Unfortunately, I was having difficulties with my new camera and most of the pictures turned out blurry from this event.  Oh well, you can get the general idea of how our night was!  Amelia was a zebra, Sydney a cowgirl, and Morgan was "Thing 2" along with her friend Linzie who was "Thing 1"  Brenna and her friend Riley handed out candy and greeted the goblins who came knocking!

November was exciting - we decided to take our first long road trip with Amelia and Oki!  We drove to Montana to celebrate Thanksgiving and an early Christmas with our Montana family!  It was my bright idea to drive through the night to get miles under our belt while Amelia was sleeping - and for the most part it worked out well.  We didn't anticipate how difficult it was to pull an all-nighter, but we arrived safe and sound 18 hours later.  Our time in Montana always seems to fly by, once we are there, but we had good times with our family and it was great being home.  Sydney celebrated her 10th birthday while we were there, too!  She was able to have 2 parties - one with family and one with friends!  Grandma and grandpa surprised her with a pool party at the Heritage Inn which included a sleepover with grandma and the girls!  This was a remake from many years ago - I think fun was had by all!  In the pictures, you will see her biggest surprise - she got her ears pierced!!  So now everyone except Amelia has holes in their ears!  On a side note, Oki did a fabulous job on this trip and we look forward to being able to take him on all of our vacations, when possible.
 Tradition of the Cousin Dog Pile - lots of giggles and laughter putting this together!
 Remake of the Grandma Hotel Sleepover!

All done!
Friend Birthday Party back in Vacaville - makeovers and dancing!
Well, I guess I am up to my current pictures!  We had a very quiet and nice Christmas here in Vacaville this year!  Grandma Barbie has been with us, and we are enjoying our time with her.  We have been cooking loads of food:  prime rib, ham, fried chicken, pot roasts, meatloaf, minestrone soup - you name it!  Spoiled Rotten!  Christmas was very nice and Santa was good to all of the kids - and adults too!  We were able to slip away to another one of our favorite California destinations - Monterey - for a few days - it was beautiful on the coast!  Love that ocean! 

That wraps up 2012!  Happy New Year to all of you and best wishes in 2013!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cross Country Girl

Brenna is running Cross Country for Vanden this fall and LOVES it!  She is really enjoying the courses and the training with her friends!  For this meet, she ran varsity - 3 miles and got 26 minutes!  Great first race!

Back to School 2012

And they're off . . . 
 6th Grader
4th Grader

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sydney the Swimmer

We have discovered a sport Sydney loves!  Swimming!  She joined a little swim team at Gold's Gym - perfect for beginners, and she loves it!  This was her second swim meet, outdoors in 106 degree temperatures!  She was refreshed, but spectators were not!  Most importantly, she had a blast!

 Look at the grin on her face!  So cute!
Awesome dive!

Camping at Wench Creek

We took our last camping trip before school starts this past weekend at Wench Creek.  It was our second time visiting this campsite - overall, it is a great campground with a reservoir, bike trails, lots of trees, and nice sites.  The only downside is the bathrooms - PU!  

New Family Member!

Well, we did it!  We finally broke down and added a dog to our family!  The kids have been asking for years, but we always felt with all of our travels, that it wasn't the right thing to do . . . until now!  He is a doll!  He's a Blue Merle Australian Shepherd, which we were first introduced to by our long time military friends Shawn and Katherine!  We know they are smart and need a lot of exercise, but we know what we are getting into!  I think it is a perfect family match.  So far, he is proving to be a great addition!  We named him Oki after our love for Okinawa, a place we will always hold close to our hearts!
 He's unusual, because he has a Black Tri face and a Blue Merle body!  Our breeder asked if she could show him in local Aussie shows . . . we said yes right now and his show name is Oki, Ride the Wave!  His first show will possibly be in October.  I don't know how deep we want to get into the show scene, but we will give it a try.
 His favorite toy - it smells like his mommy, Gaga!
"Oki all Day" was a favorite saying in Okinawa, and the girls all have t-shirts!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Amelia Grace turns ONE!

Amelia celebrated her FIRST Birthday!
It seems so unreal that one year has passed.  She has met all of her milestones and had a great year!  She's a tiny little thing with a whole lot of personality - a spitfire actually!  She only weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces at her one year check-up and has her doctor pinging, but after blood work, monthly weight checks, and much reassurance from mom, he has relaxed a bit and realizes she is just little!  :)  The good thing about being little is that she gets to wear her clothes for a really long time!  She is still fitting into her 6 month clothing!  Woo Hoo!  She started taking steps around 10 months, but true to her personality, she is just now walking at 12 months, on her own time schedule!  Once I stopped breastfeeding, she started sleeping through the night, so that has been another one of her blessings!  We look forward to another year of growth, increased language skills, and laughter!