Thursday, September 8, 2011

First day of school 2011

School has started!
Yipee, Yahoo, BOO-HOO . . .
I have had mixed emotions - very glad the kids are in school to meet new friends, get learning again, and get into a good routine, BUT I sure have missed having the extra hands to help with Amelia! It's been a long time since I've had so much time on my hands, but I'm just enjoying Amelia and trying to stay on top of things in and around the house!

Morgan and Sydney are attending a small Catholic School - NOTRE DAME! We LOVE this school! It is totally awesome and we are blessed to have this experience for them. I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more about their experience here. The thought of uniforms was horrid for them at first, but they have grown to LOVE wearing them! Great teachers, great kids, great families! It was meant to be.

Brenna started HIGH SCHOOL! Unbelievable! The first week was somewhat rocky (it was hard starting school without a single friend), but now that she has met some kids, life is looking good. Brenna decided to try out for the volleyball team and is now playing Freshman volleyball! It has been interesting and quite an adjustment for our family to work everything in. It will be a fun experience for her. On top of her school load, a sport, and a choir club, she started attending youth group at church and will enjoy that. I don't know when we will ever see her!

1 comment:

Montana Mom and Dad said...

beginnings of an exciting year!