Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Yoron Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that Brenna arrived home safely last night. She had a WONDERFUL trip, didn't miss us one bit, and wished it would have been longer!! We are so happy for her. Her Minshiku group was very tight knit and she had an AWESOME leader who rallied everyone together. Evidently, there were floods of tears during the good bye. Brenna became close to two Japanese girls, who will try to become penpals. The communication was mostly done through body language and typical girl giggles, but amazingly enough, Brenna said they became fast friends. She also met several new girls from different schools, and we will try to get them together whenever we can. Brenna kept a journal, so I am hoping she will write up a story about her trip, when things calm down. She did admit that she didn't try one bite of fish (it was served at every meal along with some sea weed), but she found other things to sustain her throughout the trip. She is also glad to have our Westernized toilets back - she had to use the squatty potty the whole time on the island! It was hard getting her up and rolling for school this morning, but she only has two days until spring break!!


Anne said...

Hello... I am Anne. I am a friend of your sister. She & I talked today about the wonderful trip Brenna just took. I too am a mom of 3 girls and my oldest is almost 11...(in July.) We would love to meet you guys when you visit Pendleton. Taryn would love to hear about the oversea's adventures. You can find us at apennythought.blogspot.com...or link through your sister's site.

Stacy B said...

Hi Pam! I can't believe Anne posted already! So glad to hear Brenna is back safe and didn't starve! Was she able to take any pictures? Maybe she could draw some.

Anne and I talked about Brenna and Taryn becoming e-pals. She also does Webkinz :o)

We'd love to hear some of Brenna's journal. Love you!

Montana Mom and Dad said...

Me too! Can't wait to hear all about the trip. So glad everything went well!!!

Ronda said...

Oh my, oh my! So excited for Brenna to have this experience! How cool if Brenna and Taryn could hook up and become friends! Can't wait to see you all again this summer!